Termination of agreement

Termination of agreement

Unilateral termination of product purchase agreement


Right to unilaterally terminate the contract

The consumer may, without stating the reason, unilaterally terminate this contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract or upon its receipt.

The right to unilaterally terminate the contract starts from the date of delivery, ie the date for personal pickup of the shipment.

If the consumer has not received this form, the term for unilateral termination starts from the submission of this form and expires after one year and 14 days.

If the consumer has not received all the requested information, the unilateral termination period starts to run from the moment the consumer receives this information and expires after three months and 14 days.

In order to be entitled to a unilateral termination, the consumer must provide a written notice to the trader stating that he is terminating the contract. The notice must be written in a durable medium and contain the information below and can be delivered as a letter or mail.

If the consumer exercises his right to unilateral termination, he will not bear the costs incurred in that manner.

Exclusion of the right to unilaterally terminate a contract

Article 79 of Consumer protection law

The consumer is not entitled to unilateral termination of the contract under this section if:

1. the service contract has been completely fulfilled by the merchant and the fulfillment has started with the express prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilaterally terminate the contract from this section if the service is fully fulfilled

2. the object of the contract is goods or services the price of which depends on changes in the financial market which are outside the influence of the trader and which may occur during the term of the consumer’s right to unilaterally terminate the contract

3. the object of the contract is goods which are made to the specification of the consumer or which are clearly adapted to the consumer

4. the object of the contract is easily perishable goods or expired goods

5. The object of the contract is sealed goods which, for health or hygiene reasons, are not suitable for return, if they were sealed after delivery.

6. the object of the contract is goods which, by their nature, are inherently mixed with other things after delivery

7. subject of the contract delivery of alcoholic beverages whose price is agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of the contract, and delivery may only take place after 30 days, if the price is dependent on changes in the market which are beyond the influence of the trader

8. the consumer specifically requested a visit from the dealer to perform emergency repairs or maintenance work, provided that during such a visit, in addition to those services which the consumer specifically requested, the dealer provides other services or supplies other than necessary goods for the performance of emergency repairs or maintenance work, the consumer is entitled to unilaterally terminate the contract in connection with these additional services or goods

9. subject of the contract delivery of sealed audio or video recordings, ie computer programs, which have been printed after delivery

10. the object of the contract is the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for such publications

11. contract concluded at public auction

12. the object of the contract is the provision of non-residential accommodation, the carriage of goods, the rental of vehicles, the provision of food and drink or leisure services, if it is agreed that the service should be provided on a specific date or for a specified period

13. subject matter of the contract delivery of digital content not delivered on the physical medium if the fulfillment of the contract started with the express prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he was aware of the fact that he would lose the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

Ban on prepayment

During the unilateral termination period, it is forbidden to require any prepayment from the consumer. The ban applies to any fee, including payment, guarantees, booking of accounts, explicit recognition of debt, etc.

This prohibition applies not only to payments to the merchant but also to third parties.

Notice of unilateral termination of contract

·         To: NET d.o.o., ZrinskoFrankopanska 17, 40000 Čakovec

  • I hereby inform you that I / wish to terminate the contract,
  • Date of conclusion of the contract
  • Consumer Name (*)
  • Consumer addresses (*)
  • Date (*)
  • (*) Completed by the consumer (s) when using this form to terminate a contract unilaterally.
  • Confirmation of receipt of information
  • Consumer Signature

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